Hey folks! Here you can review what’s in the survey form that you’ll need to vote on for your club before you vote. Also feel free to share this with your clubmates to help them understand what you’ll be voting on as a club.

Versión en español.

Survey Questions & Content

Hi NAH Club Reps!

Thanks for taking the time to vote on the 2022 Proposed NAH Rule changes! This survey should take you 10 minutes to complete.

If you haven’t yet, please read each proposal post thoroughly. You can read about the proposed changes in two separate posts, here, and an updated post after player feedback, here.

We recommend you complete this survey on a computer instead of a mobile device to make sure you are able to easily read and respond to the questions.

This survey is ONLY to be filled out by the NAH rep of your club, this is not open to players.

Players should have had a conversation with their clubs and informed their NAH Club rep on their opinions and how they want the club rep to vote. If you haven't done this, reach out to your club rep now!

This survey is also only for Club Reps who currently live and play in North America (Canada, U.S. and Mexico).

How voting will work:

For each proposed rule change, you'll be asked to vote in the following ways:

If you vote "Yes, with changes," you'll be asked to provide feedback with the changes you'd want to see implemented to the rule in order for your club to be satisfied with the rule becoming part of the NAH Ruleset.